How much to tip Instacart Shopper?

Instacart shopper

Should you tip Instacart Shopper?

Instacart is the perfect service for people who love to shop in their pajamas and can't be bothered by grocery stores. You don't have to interact with salespeople, stand on a crowded checkout line, or even leave your house.

But what about tipping? Should you tip the shopper who delivered your order, or should they be happy with just a simple “thank you”?

If you're on the fence about tipping Instacart drivers, here are a few things that might help you make your mind up.

Shoppers' hard work can go unnoticed and without appreciation. They not only have to carry items they purchase from the store but also scan them before purchase, which is not something some people enjoy doing.

Should you tip the shopper then? How much to tip without being greedy? Before going into how much to tip, I want to mention how much an Instacart shopper makes?

Instacart shoppers make just above the minimum wage without your tips.

According to the Glassdoor website, a typical Instacart shopper makes $13 an hour. They get no help with paying tolls, parking, or gas. They mostly depend on tips. This estimate is based on 110 Instacart Personal Shopper Salary Report(s) provided by employees or estimated by statistical methods.

Let's assume it takes an hour to deliver an order. We also know the delivery fee starts from $3.99. Someone with basic math knowledge can clearly see the paid delivery fees normally shouldn't be able to pay the shopper's salary. This doesn't even include gas, wear&tear, that goes out of the shopper's pocket.

Yes, shoppers have flexible working hours but unless getting paid fairly ok, it would never feel alright I guess.

Unless Instacart doesn't pay a percentage of the Shopper's salary, Instacart delivery fees will not cover a Shopper's wage. What that means is these guys don't make much for their effort.

You better show your appreciation to the shopper makes your life easier. A lot of people thinking they get paid for their job. However, tipping made no one poor. If you have made your mind to tip a shopper, here is the proper etiquette.

Tipping an Instacart shopper is more convenient than ever before. Read on, if you don't want to have that awkward moment with the shopper staring at each other's faces. We will also talk if other people paying tips to the shoppers. 

How much to tip the Instacart Shopper?

Instacart shoppers will appreciate your tips. According to the Instacart Help Center, shoppers consider it a way to appreciate the excellent service they provide to your door. Also, your tip goes directly to the shopper who delivers your order.

Here is a good Instacart tipping etiquette you can use to figure out how much to tip your Instacart shopper.

By default, a 5% tip is recommended at checkout, with a minimum of $2 for each individual store delivery.

The right amount of tip to pay is at your discretion. The average tipping rate for an Instacart shopper ranges from $0-$20, with the most common being around 15%.

If you are not sure what a good number would be then it's best just leave them something nice like 20% or more if they were especially helpful and friendly!

If made during the checkout process, Instacart shoppers can't see you tip them. Before they accept an order, shoppers can not see any notes either.

Only if you have left a tip will they see any notes left. Would you like a shopper to know you're tipping? Then prepare your cash and tip at the front door.

If you want to be a little more creative, tip with Bitcoin. A lot of shoppers have Bitcoin wallets nowadays. If you haven't bought your first crypto yet, you can signup for a free account on Binance.

Finally, take a walk to the store at least from time to time for your health, and try this groundbreaking supplement that can jump-start your metabolism.