Rollover IRAs: Are there good anyway?

“Rollover IRA” is a “traditional IRA” subcategory, which is a traditional IRA for rollover. In particular, IRAs are traditional IRAs that include nothing other than assets derived from an employer-sponsored plan.

Since a rollover IRA is a traditional IRA, it also gets the same tax status as the usual traditional IRA. That is, the dividends from the portfolio are usually taxable; you may convert Roth's assets in the account; they are handled in the same manner with regard to the aggregation rules as the other traditional IRAs; and so forth.

Rollover IRAs are known as such (rather than only being referred to as regular traditional IRAs) for two main reasons.

The first reason, some employer plans only allow rollovers from the IRA if the IRA includes only assets from another employer-sponsored scheme.

So holding those assets separately in their own IRA (rather than consolidating them with other assets in the conventional IRA) may retain the ability to roll those assets into another employer plan at a later date.

But fewer and fewer workplace programs have this strategy every year, so this difference is becoming less and less important.

The second reason, Assets under the employer-sponsored plan have unrestricted creditor protection under federal law in the event of bankruptcy. On the other hand, IRA assets are covered only to a small degree ($1,362,800 as of 2020). 

If the assets of the employer-sponsored plan are rolled into an IRA and handled separately (i.e. kept in a separate “rollover IRA”), they will continue to enjoy this unrestricted cover. If assets are combined with other assets in the traditional IRA, they can lose the unlimited security and “only” be covered up to a maximum of $1,362,800.

That said, some individuals claim that you can still have unlimited rights for those assets if you have good records and could show that the assets in question come from an employer plan.

Many states also provide IRA properties with extra security beyond what federal law offers. And, of course, the IRA assets of most citizens are never going to meet the federal security cap anyway.

To illustrate, a traditional IRA is a rollover IRA and is taxed as such, but there are two reasons to keep IRA assets apart from other traditional IRA assets for rollover. However, it may well be the case that neither of those two explanations is especially relevant to your own situations.

Five must-knows for 401(k) to IRA rollovers

Think of a rollover to the Individual Retirement Account (IRA) from your old 401(k) or other save plan? It's a painless step that could be worthwhile in the long term. The desk pictures packed away?

Check it out. Two hundred packets of soy sauce tossed? Check it out. Is there something else before you head out the office door for the last time? Oh, well, what about your 401(k)?

Employment changes will make it more difficult to keep track of employer-sponsored eligible retirement plans (QRPs), of which 401(k)s are the most prominent. What's with when you retire and leave the company for good? So what are you going to do with your 401(k)?

This mechanism includes IRS rules, so it can be understood if you have any questions. Usually, after your job is done, you have four options for your employer-sponsored retirement savings:

  1. If allowed, leave all or a portion of the money in your former employer's plan.
  2. Transfer funds into a new employer's plan (supposing you continue to work) if available and rollovers are allowed.
  3. Rollover your funds to the Individual Retirement Account.
  4. Cash-out the sum, coughing up the fees and penalties applicable (which depend on your age and specific position).

There are certain differences between what is known to be an IRA rollover and what is known to be an IRA transfer.

The crucial thing to remember – with each one being tax-free for the rollover, the assets must be credited in the new account not later than 60 days from the time they were taken out from the previous one (except if, as mentioned in more detail below, it is a trustee-to-trustee transfer).

Below are some things to keep in mind how these rollover IRAs and transfers function, and what you can do and what you cannot.

Moving Funds While Still Employed

Many company retirement programs do not encourage you to transfer money out of the plan while you're still working. You should contact your plan sponsor to figure out if they do, and ask if they support what is called an “in-service distribution.” The plan does not have to support this choice.

An in-service distribution works more differently than the withdrawal of a loan or a hardship. in-service distribution is a transaction in which you can roll over a portion of the funds in your plan to a self-directed IRA account when you're still working. Only certain plans allow this to happen.

When you are no longer working there, the rules will change. It can make sense to roll funds out of your plan to an IRA account at that time. To evade tax withholding, you would want to select what is named a direct IRA rollover where the check is made payable to the new financial institution as a new trustee or custodian.

While most people believe an IRA rollover is transferring funds from a 401(k) to an IRA, also there is a reverse rollover where you transfer IRA money back to a 401(k) account.

If you have small IRA accounts in several locations, and your employer plan provides good fund options with low fees, using this reverse roll-over method can be a way to consolidate all in one place.

The Tax Obligations When Moving Funds From Employer Plan to IRA

If you receive an eligible roll-over distribution, 20% of it must be reimbursed for federal tax. It is forwarded directly to the IRS. That is valid even though the distribution is to be rolled over into a traditional IRA.

By selecting a direct roll-over option, you can prevent this mandatory retention of tax when the distribution check is paid directly to your new financial Institution.

Transferring Funds From One IRA to Another IRA

IRA transfer happens when you transfer IRA funds from one financial institution directly to the other, usually between similar accounts (i.e., a traditional IRA at one custodian can transfer to a traditional IRA at a new custodian).

As long as there is no distribution owed to you, the transaction is tax-free.

Using IRA Funds Tax-free If Depositing Back into IRA

If you withdraw funds from the IRA and then redeposit them to your IRA within 60 days, the transfer will not be taxed. You can only pass this form of IRA once in every 12 month time.

This one-per-year clause does not extend to transfers from trustee to trustee where the money is being sent directly from one institution to the other.

You can use this 60-day requirement to “borrow” your IRA funds for a limited period of time. However, if any part of the distribution is not refunded within 60 days and you are below the age of 59 1/2, the early withdrawal of the IRA will be liable for tax and penalties, unless you are eligible for an exemption.

Using a Rollover to Move Part of Account

Fortunately, IRA rollovers are not a stop shop proposition. You may use the IRA rollover to transfer a portion of the assets from one IRA to another, or to roll back part of the company's retirement plan to the IRA.

Inheriting and Rolling Into Your Own Account

If you inherit your spouse's traditional IRA, you can roll the funds into your own IRA, or you can opt to title it as an inherited IRA. There are benefits and drawbacks of doing it either way.

If you inherit a traditional IRA from anyone except your spouse, you cannot roll it over or allow it to earn a roll-over contribution. You must remove the assets of the IRA within a given period of time in compliance with the minimum distribution (RMD) requirements.

Rollover Required Minimum Distributions Requirements

Amounts to be delivered within a given year under the required minimum distribution rules are not qualified for IRA rollover treatment. That being said, you can allocate the investment shares of your IRA to meet the RMD requirements.

These shares will then remain held in a non-retirement investment account. If you are distributing cash or bonds, any amount distributed from your IRA will be reported on the 1099-R and included as income on your tax return.

Reporting Rollover Transactions On Tax Return

IRA rollovers are listed on your tax return but as non-taxable transfers. Even if you properly carry out an IRA rollover, it is likely that your plan trustee or custodian would report it incorrectly to the 1099-R they give to you and the IRS. I've seen this happen many times in my lifetime.

If your custodian incorrectly records a transaction, and your tax advisor does not fully understand the transaction, it could impact your tax return. If you don't pay taxes on an IRA rollover or transfer, it is necessary to tell your tax accountant or double-check all documents.

Rollover After-Tax Funds to a Roth IRA

Money from a qualified company plan can be rolled to a Roth IRA, and this is a great choice as it grows tax-free and you would not have needed withdrawals from a Roth.

Transferring Company Stock From Plan to IRA

You will be able to move shares of the company's stock out of the plan before you retire or leave the job. Retirement accounts allow you to transfer existing shares directly to the IRA. Many entities have cash instead of shares. Find out from your 401(k) financial custodian what choices are on the table to you.

Why bother from the first place?

A rollover to the IRA is essentially another opportunity for future tax-deferred investment growth, typically with a wider range of business choices and better control than QRPs in the workplace.

It is necessary to understand and compare investment-related expenses for your employer plan, the new employer plan, and the new IRA.

This comparison may include plan operating costs, service fees, sales charges and commissions on the associated investments that the plan or the IRA may incur. Crucially, IRAs, like Roth IRAs, provide persuasive tax benefits over 401(k)s and other retirement plans.

What's more, rolling out your 401(k) from former employers leaves you in charge of your retirement account. All your accounts in one place, you can take a closer look at your overall financial profile and see whether your assets are sufficiently diversified or if they need to be redeployed. Plus, having fewer accounts will help you lower some maintenance fees.

IRA rollovers are not all-or-nothing at all. You may use an IRA rollover to transfer only a portion of your funds of one IRA to another or to roll over part of the QRP to the IRA. While you can choose for a rollover at any age, there are a few age targets to bear in mind.

You should start taking IRA distributions after you turn 591⁄2 years of age. This varies from 401(k)s, where you can pick starting at 55. If you need the added stability of age, you may consider leaving some funds in the 401. (k).

Today, if your assets are in a 401(k), an IRA rollover, or a standard IRA from scratch, you have to begin distributing and paying taxes on the amount when you are 701⁄2. This is known as the necessary minimum distribution or RMD, and we'll get into this in more detail below.

Rollovers are not taxable events

By requesting a direct rollover, you can avoid mandatory tax withholding while rolling funds from an employer-sponsored account to your IRA. In this situation, while the check will be sent to you by mail, it will be made directly payable to your new trustee or custodian.

If the assets are transferred on your behalf, on the other hand, you have 60 days to redeposit them in a plan or pay taxes and other penalties.

Another erroneous idea is the “365-day rule”. This rule creates some uncertainty as it seems too simplistic regarding IRA meanings. But transfers of assets, such as 401(k)s, or from one IRA account to another IRA account, are not prohibited. The IRS rule is intended to prevent multiple IRA rollovers in a one-year period.

Example: If you open two outside IRAs at TD Ameritrade and roll them over into a third IRA within one year, you don't have to pay a penalty. If you rollover the first IRA to the third IRA, you cannot then rollover the first IRA again. Remember that the first year extends for every roll-over, not just a roll into an IRA.

You can rollover the traditional IRA and then convert it to a Roth at any time. It removes the once a year rollover rule.

Mind your IRS Ps & Qs

You can defer taxes in your IRA. Uncle Sam needs a slice of the apple. Both IRAs are seen as one total dollar sum for the IRS. Needed minimum distribution kicks in at age 70½.

The appropriate drawdown sum is determined annually based on a combination of lifespan and account value as of December 31 the year before this age marker. Don't forget: the penalty charge is a steep 50% of your RMD.

Remember that a rollover cannot be used for an RMD. If you are employed at 70½, you will not be allowed to take RMDs from your employer's schedule (k). Those who intend to work long-term might find this beneficial.

You want to separate your pre-tax 401(k) contributions from your after-tax 401(k) contributions. If you have after-tax donations, it makes sense to distinguish these from pre-tax contributions.

You might opt to transfer these contributions directly to a Roth IRA, with no tax consequences. Your IRAs can require you to file an IRS form 8606 if you want to take out tax-free withdrawals from those contributions.

Move assets in-kind, or liquidate?

It was standard practice to “liquidate” your 401(k) after quitting a job for some cause, then wait for a check to arrive in the mail. You'd re-invest the money in the new company's retirement account.

They are more common as in-kind trustee-to-trustee transfers. You can transfer money to the new account without selling anything. The current stocks, mutual funds, and even exchange-traded funds (ETFs) might be able to be transferred to the new account.

You might consider investing in company stock if it has unrealized appreciation (NUA). This allows for the company stock to be priced at its fair market value in the year of the withdrawal. Future dividends can be avoided, which will allow for optimal taxation in the year of the withdrawal.

More 401(k) businesses are making in-kind transfers. But do so in a way that is trustworthy and understandable.

How to begin with?

If you plan to roll over, move, or cash out, contact the 401(k) plan administrator to request a distribution. Still you need to fill out a distribution form, but more and more, 401(k) providers are accepting verbal guidance for rollovers.

Know, you are still encouraged to use the IRS website or, better yet, contact your tax professional. Research empowers investment decisions, and rollovers are definitely no exception.

Yet, maybe the most significant truth to discover with rollovers is that you don't have to make a decision on your own.