Should you choose Shipt or Instacart?

Shipt vs Instacart

You may not always have time to go out and shop for groceries. Even if you have time, why would you do it when there was someone to do it for you?

There are hundreds of alternatives to meet exactly these desires of the people. The main issue here is to decide which of the many options to choose from.

In this article, we will talk about the 2 most popular market shopping companies in the US: Shipt and Instacart. Both companies offer very advantageous and attractive opportunities. With this article, we aim to help you find the option that best suits your criteria.

Both Shipt and Instacart stand out with their different advantages. It can be a bit challenging to choose, especially if both companies serve in the state or region you live in. We will explain both companies in detail, we will talk about coupon deals and price advantages.

Finally, we will compare the two companies and explain the winner of this tough battle.

Let's examine these two companies one by one now. Read on to find the best company in your pocket and find the winner.

What Is Shipt?


Shipt was founded in 2014 in Alabama on an internet basis. At that time, when they were just established, they only offered a grocery shopping service. However, they are currently delivering this service as well as home products and electronics. This is the advantage of working with the largest retailers in the country.

It is not a coincidence that the scope of the services they offer has increased. So much so that this company has become the fastest-growing trading system in America.

People who want to shop in the market can do this in two ways. The first is to enter the website and place an order. The second is to download the Shipt application via Apple phones or Play Store via mobile phones.

To use both methods, you first need to create an account for yourself. Once you have created your account and completed your address information, you are ready. Now it's time to select the products in your market shopping list and complete your order.

You can also provide convenience to yourself with different delivery options. If you choose the same day delivery option via Shipt, your grocery shopping may be at your door before 1 hour.

In addition, it is possible to get the products prepared for you from the market while returning home from work or school. All you need to do is to place your order and click on the button indicating that you will receive it yourself. At the time you will receive your grocery shopping, your products will be packed and the safe will be waiting for you.

What Is Instacart?


Instacart is at least as popular and useful as an online market shopping company. Moreover, it was established earlier than Shipt. It was founded in 2012 and is based in San Francisco. Currently, they continue their services in more than 4000 cities.

Ordering via Instacart is quite easy. You can order by creating an account on the website. If you do not want to turn on the computer, you can easily order via your phones. All you have to do is download the Instacart app on your smartphones via the App Store or Play Store. In this way, you can easily start your shopping at any time.

Just like Shipt, Instacart works with leading retailers. Some of these retailers can be listed as Kroger, Costco. Since they work with markets that are open 24/7, they have options that allow you to place orders at any time. In this way, you can quickly reach your products with same-day delivery.

One of the different advantages of Instacart is the ability to order up to six days ago. In this way, you can plan a shopping list in advance and then request that it be delivered to your home. If you think there will only be delivered to your home, you are wrong. You can pick up your planned orders, just like in Shipt, from the market on the time and day you set.

How Much Do They Cost?

No service reaches you free of charge. If you think that you will only pay the same amount you will pay when you go to the market yourself, you are wrong. It is a luxury need that the person does not make the grocery shopping himself or does not choose and package the grocery products himself. Therefore, of course, the need that can be accepted as luxury will be an extra fee.

This is the biggest drawback of people who want to shop online. Will it cost too much? Which company will be more suitable for me?

Although Shipt and Instacart offer similar services in many ways, they differ in terms of costs. When the services are more or less the same, when it comes to choosing, the most important factor is the cost.

Let's take a look at the membership fees and give you the detailed information.

Shipt Membership Fees

Shipt offers its potential members two different alternative memberships. These are monthly and annual membership options. If you plan to buy an annual membership, it costs $ 99. If you only want to subscribe and try the system, it costs $ 14.

These annual and monthly fees are for your benefit only. In addition, there are delivery fees. If your grocery shopping is more than $ 35, you are lucky, you will not pay the delivery fee. However, you need to pay the $ 7 fee for deliveries under $ 35.

The company assures you that these fees will not change. In other words, you will not be charged extra for orders that you will place in orderly hours or late at night.
Note that you can also tip through the app. You can tip your credit card or directly to the person who brought your order.

In addition, Shipt also has a different application. If Shipt is getting ready to start operating in a new region and you have created an annual membership before that date, they have a gift for you. $ 25 free grocery shopping.

Instacart Membership Fees

Unlike Shipt, Instacart offers a single membership option. This is an annual membership option. The annual membership fee is the same as Ship, $ 99. There will be a fee to pay for your orders.

If your order is over $ 35, you can complete your shopping at no extra charge. However, if you have an order below $ 35, the situation will change. There is no clear and precise fee you will pay.

There will be an additional fee of 5% of your order amount. But keep in mind that this rate is 7.5% in the state of New York.

If you are going to order alcoholic beverages, you need to pay an additional fee, ranging between $ 2 and $ 10. In addition, the company may charge extra fees during order-intensive hours or periods.

With Instacart, you can also order directly without creating a membership. There are additional charges for this. In other words, you can create a market shopping order for one time and try it.

All the tips you give in Instacart are given to the employees directly and without any interruption.

Customer Service and Retail Partners Comparison

Customer Service

You pay a certain fee for each service received. Especially if the service you receive is for a slightly more luxurious need, your fee increases with this. Each customer expects a nice service in return for the price he pays. In addition, in the event of any problems, he/she expects interest from the persons he/she is contact with. It is precisely at this point that we have to compare these two companies in terms of customer service quality.

Both companies have approximately similar customer services. Shipt offers live support on its website. When you have a problem or question, you can easily contact a customer advisor via live chat. In addition, you can also contact by phone or e-mail.

Instacart offers a slightly more advanced and easy customer service experience compared to Shipt. Just like Shipt, live support, phone and e-mail options are available. One of its advanced features is that these services are active for 24 hours. So you can reach out to a customer advisor to help you whenever you need it. Also, according to the users' comments, the time to answer e-mails was very short and effective.

Retail Partners

The most important reason why both companies are so big and their customer portfolio are very large is that they work with many different retailers. Retail partners must also be of high quality and variety so that they can offer their customers so much variety.

When the two companies are compared with each other, you can see that the retailers they work with are almost the same. Instacart is maybe a little more prominent with its working with different and local markets. In addition, you can place your alcohol orders on Instacart at an additional cost.

Product Cost Comparison

When you add all the items to your shopping list, you will find that there is actually a slightly more expensive net amount than you purchased at the market. This is quite normal. Because we have mentioned that these applications actually arise from luxurious needs. Therefore, you have to meet the small price differences between real life and online life normally.

If you download both applications and add the same products to your market list, you will see that the total prices are almost the same. So it is very difficult to determine a winner when you compare product costs.

Because both are a bit more expensive than the market. However, they are almost identical compared to each other. The main differences arise when it adds delivery costs and membership fees. Delivery costs are fixed at Shipt. However, it may be a little more costly than Shipt since it is determined by the percentage in Instacart.

Now that you have enough information about both companies, let's move on to the conclusions. Which option will be the most advantageous and cost-effective?

Final Opinions

In fact, when we examine the delivery costs, the more suitable option shows up immediately: Shipt. Although it was established later than Instacart, it has grown very rapidly. The main reason for this is the corporate culture and customer satisfaction.

However, you can be absolutely certain that if there is no Shipt in your area, Instacart is never a bad alternative. It's almost as good an alternative as Shipt. For this reason, there is no company that loses in this battle. There is only a company that is more affordable in terms of cost.

Anyone can choose a winner based on their specific criteria. Here we tried to make a choice by prioritizing a little more budget. However, your priorities may differ. For example, you might not want to create membership and stick to annual or monthly payments.

A company that delivers alcoholic beverages may also stand out for you. Then your win will likely be Instacart, not Shipt. It is now easier to choose a market shopping app according to the different needs of different people. because you have detailed information about these two big companies.

You don't have to think if I choose the wrong company. Because you know that both companies serve with advanced customer service.

Whichever of the two companies you decide to use, there are lots of points to be profitable. It is very easy and effortless to make your grocery shopping from the comfort of your home.

You can start your grocery shopping by determining your own winner according to your own criteria. The service you will receive according to the criteria you set will be of high quality and fast in all conditions.

If you have made your decision, you can quickly start your grocery shopping.